Stories of HOPE



Changing Lives, One Story at a Time

The Books

Stories of Hope
and Resilience

 The Founder

Keynote Speaker, Counsellor,
Storyteller, Author & Host


HOPE through Courage
and Stories

Through Courage and Stories

At our Stories of HOPE live and online events, our audience is inspired time and time again with the key messages that they don’t have to do life alone and that there is always HOPE thanks to the courage of our guest speakers sharing their stories of overcoming adversity.

Hear the stories of how everyday people, people just like you have overcome extraordinary odds and challenges.

Attendees have shared with us time and time again how the Stories of HOPE awakened the realisation that there are others  who have walked the same path through adversity opening the door to the understanding that they are ‘not alone’.

It is right there at that moment of clarity, that moment of multi-faceted realisation that HOPE, encouragement and lasting change is born.


LIGHTBULB MOMENTS - Through the Eyes of Men


Discover a wellspring of inspiration and rekindle your hope as you immerse yourself in the intimate narratives penned by 15 remarkable individuals spanning the ages from their 20s to their 80s.


Read by Justin Geange you will hear their stories, courageously unveiling their emotional journeys, the baring of their souls as their tales of regret, shame, heartbreak, disappointment, resilience unfold and transform wirh the power of HOPE


Dive into these narratives, and let their experiences light the path to your own personal awakening and brighter tomorrows.

Listen on Awesound

“Connection is vital for the human soul to flourish. Together is better, don’t do life alone”

FOUNDER – Stories of HOPE Australia